Friday, June 5, 2009


Well, I'm not as pissy today as I was yesterday, although a little bit around the edges. I weighed and I'm down another pound (207!) Whoooot Whooooot! Hellzzzzz yeah! I didn't exercise yesterday. Janice and I were going to walk, but it was raining. I was lazy and didn't even use the treadmill or the recumbent bike. The weekend is here though and temptation will be lurking. Tonight I'm going to a birthday party and I'm trying to plan ahead and be on my best behavior. I'm wearing a top today that when I wore it last year was REALLY tight in the sleeves. Today it's loose! It's also looser through the boobage area too!


  1. Yeah for loose tops! Keep it up! I'm impressed. Sometimes being a little pissy makes you push harder, so you could use it to your advantage. I think it's great that you and DH are working at this together! Much love!

  2. Woot woot on the loose tops! Good job!
