Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Missouri 60

I'm participating in my first ever internet weight loss challenge. It's called the Missouri 60. Basically, you post a photo of yourself anytime between now and June 30th and again in 60 days. A panel of judges will vote for whomever makes the most progress. I don't know that I'll make the most progress, but I know that I'll make progress! Hell-to-the-yeah! I would post a link to the blog, but I'm too lazy. "The Anti-Jared" started it and his blog link is in my list o' links to the right. Go take a look for yourself.

So, here's my official "before" photo.

Ha!! I just realized that I have on a top with horizontal stripes. That's a fat-chick no-no. I'm guaranteed to look better in 60 days just by wearing something different! Why do they sell clothes in plus sizes with horizontel stripes anyway? I think it's a conspiracy by the skinny bitches of the world to make themselves look smaller.

Oh yeah, I'm down ANOTHER pound.............201!!


  1. kick ass on the loss, the challenge, and an awesome blog that i've begun stalking just today...

  2. Yeah, why do they sell plus sized clothing with horizontal stripes?

    GL with the challenge!
