Thursday, June 11, 2009

I Feel Guilty!!

I didn't exercise last night and I feel soooooooo guilty! I had to do some things around the house though, including checking on some dental insurance claims that had not been paid. Coming home to a dentist bill of $192 that I DO NOT OWE did not make me a happy camper!

ANYWAY.....for supper we had some of that new Kentucky Grilled Chicken. I really can't believe that that only has 4 grams of fat per piece! (FYI: the thigh has 9 grams) We each had a breast (180 calories/4 grams) and a wing 80 calories/4 grams) and a side of baked beans (200 calories/1.5 grams) and green beans (25 calories/0 grams) each. I really felt like I had eaten a TON O' FOOD! Compound eating that with not exercising and I felt like a real heifer last night.

So, I have already made arrangements with my walking posse to git-r-done tonight! Janice and Sarah are going with me tonight around 7:00!